2014 Inter-Orthodox Sunday Lenten Vespers schedule
One of the main activities of the COCC has long been its annual series of Inter-Orthodox Sunday Lenten Vespers. Clergy and laity from throughout Metro Detroit are hosted by various parishes for the Vespers service followed by fellowship. A different priest is invited to offer the sermon each week, and the responses are lead by the Pan-Orthodox Choir of Metropolitan Detroit. Everyone is invited to join us!
All services begin at 6:00pm
1st Sunday: March 9 - Orthodoxy Sunday
St. Lazarus Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
4575 East Outer Dr., Detroit (at Van Dyke, S of 8 Mile)
Speaker: Fr. George Shaloub (Pastor, St. Mary Antiochian “Basilica” Church, Livonia)
2nd Sunday: March 16 - St. Gregory Palamas Sunday
Sts. Peter & Paul Romanian Orthodox Church
750 N. Beech Daly Rd., Dearborn Heights (between Ford & Cherry Hill)
Speaker: Fr. John Wehling (Pastor, Holy Transfiguration OCA Church, Livonia)
3rd Sunday: March 23 - Veneration of the Cross Sunday
St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral
21931 Evergreen Rd., Southfield (between 8 & 9 Mile)
Speaker: Fr. James King (Assistant Priest, St. Mary Antiochian “Basilica” Church, Livonia)
4th Sunday: March 30 - St. John Climacus Sunday
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
760 West Wattles Rd., Troy (W of I-75, E of Crooks)
Speaker: Fr. Andrew Yavornitsky (Pastor, St. Mark OCA Church, Rochester Hills)
5th Sunday: April 6 - St. Mary of Egypt Sunday
Holy Trinity OCA Orthodox Church
20484 Anglin St., Detroit (E of I-75, at 8 Mile)
Speaker: Fr. Robert Royer (Pastor, St. Paul OCA-Bulgarian Church, Dearborn Heights)