Orthodox churches to sponsor Christmas benefit concert Dec. 11
DETROIT, MI [COCC] -- The Council of Orthodox Christian Churches of Metropolitan Detroit (COCC) will sponsor its second annual "Christ is Born! Glorify Him! A Detroit Orthodox Christmas Concert" on Sunday, Dec.11 at 6 p.m. at St. Lazarus Serbian Orthodox Cathedral, 4575 E. Outer Drive, Detroit, 48234, at the northeast corner of Van Dyke Avenue.
The first part of the concert will feature Nativity hymns and carols from Greece, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine and other lands sung by selected choirs from local Orthodox churches. The second part will feature English-language hymns sung by an inter-Orthodox chorus and a sing-a-long of popular carols. An afterglow reception will follow.
A freewill offering will be collected during the concert to support local Orthodox charities, and attendees are invited to bring canned and non-perishable food for donation to Orthodox Detroit Outreach Community Pantry at Gilbert and Clayton streets.
The public is invited to attend the concert. For further information, contact Olga Liss at (248) 252-8184 or Olgaliss0910@gmail.com.